Good morning! I hope everyone is having a fantastic Christmas season.
Extremely grateful for your desire to read and get a true look at pro football in our Go Long world. Thank you for making longform part of your life.
With Santa sliding down the chimney in less than one week, here are a few offers…
Looking for a football book? I’d love to mail a signed copy of “The Blood and Guts: How Tight Ends Save Football” your way. Email me at, and we’ll sort it out. You can read excerpts and everything we had at the site for Tight End Days right here. This became such a cross-country search for the soul of the sport, from Mike Ditka’s golf course to Jeremy Shockey’s favorite bar to Rob Gronkowski today.
I still have Go Long crew and hoodie sweatshirts available. Mostly in XL and L sizes. Feel free to shoot me an email on this as well at
Current subscribers: You can always share the gift of NFL longform.
New readers: We’d love to have you join our community.
We’ve got a lot planned for you this week in print and podcasts. First up? Our third annual All Old School Team tomorrow morning.
Friday Features from this season: