You never disappoint when I get the time to read. Great stuff.

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Appreciate you taking the time, Jay!

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My perception, probably based on nothing, was that Tiki had plans post-football (media, products, etc.). And it did not exactly work out, but it seems like Strahan took Tiki's idea, ran with it, and now is on Fox, has a clothing line, etc. Wonder what that relationship is like?

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You nailed it. Tiki was thinking about this stuff early, as he noted, but The Today Show didn't pan out. Both sides differ on how that went down -- it's worth reading the SI story linked above: https://vault.si.com/vault/2011/05/30/tiki-barber-gets-real

Their relationship seems to be good now. But there was a time Barber called Strahan out in the press for being selfish, in so many words, during a contract negotiation. Got ugly. Time has seemed to heal all.

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Interesting comment about putting on the sock. Tom got that from the greatest college basketball coach of all time. John Wooden. Read up on him. You’ll be stunned. Walton, Jabbar were all significantly impacted by him. He was a legend. Incredible man.

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Great, great pull. Totally forgot how Wooden made this famous.

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Great stuff!

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By the way, as a Bucs fan, I faintly remember the idea of him coming back to play with his brother on the Bucs. I can't remember if he even got a workout, but there was some discussion for sure.

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Great memory. I totally forgot about this until researching for our chat. Wild -- and I believe Tiki. If there is no lockout, he probably was in shape to play.

Love having you, Joe. We'll have some Bucs content here next month for sure.

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This filled in some holes for me. Very interesting and informative Tyler.

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