Aug 21, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

It’s deep here. We love hard , we hate hard. We own this stadium. We are GB, Wisconsin. The NFL will never own us, the state would starve before that happens. I didn’t agree with what happened with Aaron, I was pissed off! We all were. It’s magical here, we seem to turn QB’s into G’s. When Aaron told us why and what, we were all like OH BOY!!! who’s hungry for crow. I’m glad he stomped that foot down. He’s absolutely correct. Veterans were booted and disrespected. We ain’t about that here. It was the epic🤫🤫🤫. Like are they insane?, what are they doing?, what happened?. Hot mess that got cooled by #12. We all want Aaron to retire here. We all want some of our veterans back. That happened. Thx#12💯. GBFAM4life.

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Dec 15, 2020Liked by Tyler Dunne

Tyler’s writing talent is well-honed and his skills make for some very pleasant reading. His perspectives have always been interesting to me whether or not they have been harmonious with mine. Good, good writer.

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Wow I’m not going to sugar coat it. This article got my hyped up. Truly helps you understand the competition inside the competitor and how it’s not just some fluke. I see a difference in this team, an energy and a mental toughness that has made watching the Packers fun again. I’ve been a Favre “homer” for years. This reminds of the years with Favre but honestly with (as Peter Bukowski often says) a bullet. They’ve got a laser focused QB maximizing everything/anything around him.

Yes, there have been moments of doubt and isn’t that the exciting and thrilling reason we all watch? To see these GM’s, coaches, play the game within the game. To find out what their plan is? As Packer fans we have been blessed and spoiled with riches. Two of the best QBs to ever play and having scouting departments that have allowed us to stay relevant giving us so many players teams tossed aside that turn into part of the Packer mystique. (Driver, Kuhn, C. Jenkins, T. Williams, and on and on) We’ve been one game away for so long and as this article mentions a lot of it has been the toughness. It’s exciting to see and learn about a lot of these current players history and what drives them. Showing us this could be the year for us because of the difference and grit of these players.

It’s been an exciting journey so far and how cool would it be to see us make it over that proverbial hump this year. With tough players like Lazard, Big Dawg, Z, Alexander making big difference making plays. You can tell this team is driven and wired different and as I’ve mentioned it’s fun to watch. To see what’s up their sleeve and what plan they have. How exciting would it be to see AJ Dillon be a part of the plan in January? There are so many things to be hyped about. We should enjoy them.

Plus as the article mentions we’re building a roster within the roster. I feel incredibly lucky to have been born into the Packers mystique and love watching it grow. Thank you for the article and a new perception of what this team can be and grow to.

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Really loved this article. It takes all the info and spins it into a really good narrative. FULL of hope and also well written. Thanks for this!

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well-written article, but a lot of gloss-overs and half truths buried in there. the author makes the assumption that love and dillon will both pan out. highly unlikely assumption. we've seen dillon in action, and there's a good reason he's buried on the depth chart. we have not seen anything yet from love. and i'd bet my house that he will never be the starting qb for the packers.

sternberger might not be a "wussie", but he has done little to prove himself worthy of being a starting tight end. tonyan (who is only mentioned in passing) is the much better tight end prospect. and although the claim is made that that mvs is not frozen out of the offense, he was virtually ignored by rodgers in their most recent game after losing the game against the colts in ot. not a single target in the whole game.

i could go on, but i won't. the packers spent a first and a fourth draft pick on a guy who might play some day. and a second on a guy who isn't even listed on the packers depth chart. if they had used those three picks on a defensive lineman, an inside linebacker and a wide receiver (in any order), they might have made a big enough difference to win the ultimate game this year instead of maybe being a little better three years from now.

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This literally reads like any online comment from 2005 bashing the Rodgers pick lol Also you think AJ Dillon is buried on the depth chart because of the 23 rush attempts this season? Jesus dude, thank god you're not the GM of the packers. You would've cut Davante Adams in favor of Jeff Janis for sure!

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aj dillon isn't buried on the depth chart. he isn't even on the depth chart. as far as "bashing" goes. you clearly don't know what bashing is. i gave a reasonable and supportable argument as to why it was a bad choice. it's always better to use early draft picks on players that can provide immediate returns if fo no other reason than the fact that their rookie contracts only last so long and that is when you have the advantage of superior talent at a bargain price. and no, i would not have cut adams in favor of janis.

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Dillion isn't on the depth chart because he is on the Covid list which kills your argument

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Yes, he's inactive because he's on the injury/covid report/list. Bytez comment of Dillon not being on the depth chart was implying that Dillon is playing so bad that he's not even on the depth chart. Read his statement about it, and you'll be able to comprehend his intent. There's quite a difference between being on an injury report, and being a healthy inactive. C'mon, Man. How pedantic. Reading and comprehension. That in no way "kills" anything I've had to say about Dillon and his current position. Smh.

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lol, he was supporting your argument. you'll lash out at anyone won't you?

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Speaking of glossed over facts and half truths, Tyler literally says in this article that how good Love will be is UNKNOWN yet. He has not assumed, in any way, that Love will be good or not. Obviously, the people who do this for a living, that spend all their awake time living and breathing college PROSPECTS, the GBP scouts, think that Jordan Love has the potential to be an elite QB in the NFL. So, you've watched a few YouTube videos of Love playing ball, read a few Skip Bayless articles, and declared yourself an equal to a professional scout. Good job, Little Byte Buddy. And in your own humble, professional scouting ability, you have declared that AJ Dillon, after a mere 23 carries, without a normal off season training camp and pre season games, to be a bust. "He's not even on the depth chart". That's not a half truth. That's a UNtruth. He's literally on the depth chart. He's in his rookie year behind a top 3 RB (Jones, Kamara and CMC... Any order is fine and legit). And he's Behind Williams, who could probably be the main RB on several teams. You act as if there's absolutely no room, or time, for Dillon to get any better. After 23 carries, you've seen enough. He's awful. Not worthy of a roster spot. Not worth waiting for him to get used to the NFL game and get better. Seriously, how moronic is that? It's laughable. The draft pick of Love was not drafting for the position. They drafted the player. They obviously saw a player they think can be elite. The whole thought process of "they could have drafted a QB in 2 or 3 years" is foolish. For one, they may not be in position to draft a QB with such a high ceiling (again, NO ONE KNOWS how good he'll be). Also, the Packers may have thought that Love is the best prospect they have seen in years. They may NEVER come across, or be able to draft another QB with his abilities. You can't pass that up and take that chance at the sports most important position. Also, just because Rodgers says he wants to play until he's 40 or 43, doesn't mean he WILL. Father time catches up with every single player. Eventually, we all get too old. And you never know when a major injury can happen. The older you get, the harder they are to come back from. Brady, Favre, Brees, and even Big Ben are anomalies, not the norm. Most QB's don't play into their 40's. Steve Young and Aikman called it quits earlier in their career because of injuries. I doubt either of them were ready to retire, but were forced to because of injuries/concussions. How about Andrew Luck? Think he was ready to hang up his cleats? As a huge Packers Homer, I LOVE watching Rodgers play QB. Dude is unbelievably talented. I don't EVER want to see him leave the Packers. I thought the same exact thing about Favre. Yet here we are, and on we'll go. I'm excited about the Love pick. I think it was a great call. I hope this kid lights up the league. Let's give him time to develop and prove himself.... Lafleur has the job of getting his players in position to win on Sunday. Rodgers job is to win on Sunday. Gutey's job as the GM is to put players on the roster to win on Sunday, AND 5 years from Sunday. He put up his shot, let's see if it works out. Sure glad you're not the GM of the Packers. You definitely would have cut Devante Adams after year 2. Don't BS me you wouldn't have, after your Dillon comment lol. If 23 carries from Dillon is all you need, year 2 of Devante's drops would have been enough. Go watch some more Skip and Colin, Fool.

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did i personally insult you, asshat? no reason to be hostile. are you capable of having a reasoned discussion without hurling insults? or are you just another internet bully?

trying to belittle me because i don't make a living as a professional scout or a gm is a lame argument. those professionals get fired all the time because they're just guessing - just like you. have you even looked at the packers drafts for the past few years? they have not been overwhelming successes. they don't really seem to be very good at evaluating talent.

i don't even care if jordan love turns out to be the best qb since joe montana. i don't believe he will, but that isn't my point. you do not waste a first and fourth round pick in 2020 on the speculative hope that love might be your starting qb in 2023. especially not when your team just finished a season where they were one win away from the super bowl, and that one game was a major embarrassment.

as for dillon, i haven't been any more impressed with him than i have with last year's pick - dexter williams. and we've seen even fewer carries by him.

hope you enjoyed your little hissy-fit. come back when you're not having your period.

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This article is outstanding! I read everything Packers yet I learned so much. It’s really 4 stories - each of which easily rises above the pap pieces I usually read - combined into one article.

It really drives home Tyler Dunne’s writing talent while also revealing his unparalleled commitment to the the leg-work necessary to get all these fresh insights.

I’ll go sign up for my permanent membership now...

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The article mentions two alternatives to Love: Tee Higgins and Chase Claypool. Those who are optimistic assume that Higgins would have been chosen by the Packers. Wonderful things would have happened… Super Bowl here we come!! However, it is just as likely that the team would have picked Claypool. In that case it would most likely been a wasted pick…. I’m sure glad that it’s not me picking. Sometimes we just need to chill and let the Pros do their thing that they have the resources for and what they get paid to do.

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In regards to Love, this article aged very very well. Lfg!

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