Podcast: Why Kevin Kolb is the story of pro football
A conversation on violence in the NFL. Honesty all around would certainly help.
For every Patrick Mahomes on the Super Bowl dais, there’s Kevin Kolb in tears at the steering wheel.
Triumph on one end of the spectrum, darkness on the other.
We explored that darkness at Go Long with this two-part series.
The four concussions were often terrifying. Everything that came with those four concussions — isolation, depression — was somehow worse. While Kolb was able to escape his purgatory, the former quarterback knows he’s one of the lucky ones. Many other ex-players call him in tears at 11:30 at night.
I figured we’d keep the conversation going on the podcast. My co-host, Jim Monos, was the director of personnel for the Buffalo Bills when Kolb suffered that fourth concussion in the preseason. On this episode, we discuss both Kolb and violence in football. When it comes to head trauma, there’s still so much the NFL can do.
Step No. 1? Being more honest.
You can access the Go Long Podcast at the links and embeds below.
Thanks, all.
ICYMI, our Kevin Kolb series at Go Long: