http://footballandbraindamage.com Yet I still can't ween myself off of the Packers. I agree about the .002% chance that anyone else will.

Eliminating tackle football before High School would make a huge difference and I think things are moving that way. It is the cumulative hits over a lifetime that accounts for CTE, not one hit, or multiple concussions.

Maybe my lawsuit made a difference.

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Owen Hart fell a long long ways.

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While former players, particularly from years back, could very well be not getting the retirement benefits they should be, your reflex to blame the League (rather than anyone you'd like to interview) could be more balanced - didn't the NFL AND the NFLPA agree on retirement and medical benefits.

Also, the amount of money being made by many players is increasingly mind-boggling. Players could stop after their second contracts, and maybe not set-up their grandchildren for life. Being an NFL player, and especially a star, is as good as life will ever be. Further, why do I never hear about all the head trauma from their High School and College years?

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