May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Incredible article. As a Packers fan I both am excited about the prospect of Jordan Love being legit, but also dying to have Rodgers win a SB with the Packers. I fell in love with the player and how HE dealt with Favre situation, he was so easy to root for and when he became who he is - it was so incredibly satisfying. It's a shame that has gotten this ugly, because he had all the pieces to make this a truly special story.

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Another piece to this that I've been thinking a lot about the last week. A big part of this whole master plan 100% has been his relationship and appearances on the MaCaffe show. His entire career has been notoriously private, prompting rumors and a sort of alien-like relationship with fans. And suddenly established himself as "America's QB Next Door". This was absolutely all pre-meditated to get the world on his side when he launched this.

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One. Hundred. Percent. I couldn't agree more. I was just looking back at some of the headline-worthy things he said through the 2020 season and you can almost feel that steady build, right up to that "victim" quote I mentioned in the story, to the "beautiful mystery" to today.

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Thank you, Eric. People change over time, I suppose, right? It is interesting. If anyone can understand why the Packers did what they did in drafting Jordan Love, it'd be... Aaron Rodgers. Sure seems dug in, though, and not necessarily all in on a Last Dance-like '21.

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Great article , this is why I subscribed . I feel bad for pack fans. I definitely get their fear. We lived it in Buffalo without a QB . I would try and trade him for a giant haul . GB has 32 years with one of the top QBs to ever play ( Rodgers and Favre) . They should strike now , coming off two 13 and 3 records , very good team in addition to having a great QB. add a bunch of pieces .

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Always good to see you here, Gary. That's the great fear, right? Imagine the Packers brass itself is scared to death of a Bills-like plunge into the quarterback darkness but, hey, it doesn't have to be that way! Even if 2020 stinks, they go 5-11, and they have to reset a bit. Moving on from a quarterback so, so dug in who doesn't want to be there can be a healthy move for the organization, I think.

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Can you send me the happy hour

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

I subscribed today just so I could read this article. The perspective (with real, named sources) is unrivaled at this point of this story. I'm so impressed. It's not even that it all makes sense, and that I agree with most of what Tyler writes. It's that it is thoughtful and well researched (unlike the vast majority of what we're hearing). It's not mean, it's not hurtful, it's just a much-needed look at another very important piece of this story.

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Thank you so much for joining Go Long! It is great to have you. Truly hope you enjoy the journalism dropping into your inbox -- will be sure to stay on top of all things Packers and beyond. Absolutely will look to stay as thorough as I can to make Go Long not just worth your money, but your time.

Also, to everyone: Never, ever hesitate to let me know what YOU want to read. This a community above all else. I want to know what you all would like to learn.

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Honestly, if the Packers Management Team has confidence in themselves they are bold and trade Rodgers for a haul, have faith they made, and can make, Love into something. Then they go out and use those picks and all the talent they already have beat Rodgers in this game the only way they can -- by winning a couple of Super Bowls without him. That would be the best way to stick it to him.

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Ding. Well said, Trygve. It's OK for the Packers to think positively, right? (Still owe you that email back, too!)

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Whenever the time comes that Rodgers leaves (whether it's retirement, trade, etc.), can you imagine the grenades he's going to be lobbing at the Packers management, prior coaches, and teammates he didn't get along with? I would imagine there's a book publisher that's willing to pay a crapload of money for him to write a book including that stuff.

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That sure will be something. No doubt about it, he'll have the ammo locked 'n loaded.

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May 11, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Wow, great article Tyler!

It hit home on what really needs to happen in GB. Trade Rodgers while you have a partner that might be willing to give a king’s ransom for him.

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May 8, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

This is phenomenal work TD

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

Great piece. I love Rodgers as a player, but we all know he is stubborn and self-important. I enjoyed seeing him on the McAfee show, but even there you could see his inflated sense of self. Yeah, he's smart, but the smartest people know that they don't know everything. Not this guy.

I have let up a little on the situation since I learned Shefter dropped the bomb, not Rodgers. But that doesn't mean it's not his camp releasing all this stuff, a little at a time, to build the tension throughout the offseason. It's childish, and you're right, you can't bow to some stunt like this when your GM IS ACTUALLY GOOD. Gutey's one flaw is his lack of communication with Rodgers-- something Murphy was brought in to improve, btw. But what would communication do when Rodgers is against the decision? Maybe the relationship would be even worse had he been given a chance to argue his side and Gute still made the decisions he made.

At this point I just want some resolution. Yeah, I would rather have Rodgers on the team than not. But not if it means sacrificing what is best for the Packers.

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Well said, Sal. Been saying the same thing here, too. Would better communication help? I guess so. I don't know. If they draft Jordan Love, then Aaron Rodgers is still pissed and I feel like we're all sitting here in the same exact spot today. He is who he is. A heads-up phone call doesn't make everything better.

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne


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Thank you, Juan!

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May 7, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

If the niners’ proposal didn’t get it done, I don’t think there is a tenable package that would. Any picks will be a year-plus out, I don’t see an on-the level trade lake a Russell Wilson happening - do you? Also, who wants to bet the farm on 37, injury prone and temperamental - even with the MVP title. So what are the options? I think June 1 comes and it’s still in the air.

You raised the “bad precedent” this morning, Gutenkunst isn’t going. If that’s the sticking point, then it’s a Cold War stalemate.

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May 8, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

If you’re George Patton, you’re taking the 5 year bet - and then hiring Nathan Hackett as your HC. Fangio knows he’s gone with the new GM.

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Great point, PJ. Plus, he's had his butt kicked by Rodgers literally Rodgers' entire career when he was in Minnesota. Imagine he wouldn't mind having the QB on his side for once. (And thanks for the kind words.)

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Hard to argue, Jason. This is a good point. As one front office exec told me, there's no way the Packers can ever "win" a trade that results in Aaron Rodgers leaving town. You know he's going to blow up to stick it to you in 2021, too. It just feels so dang *necessary* to me at this point given how bad the blood is, that even if the value isn't equal, it's a must for your organization. Multiple firsts, multiple seconds, multiple seconds. I do think there are a lot of teams out there that lost HOF QBs for nothing that'd gladly take that trade in retrospect, you know?

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What. A. Read.

Unbelievable in-depth stuff here Ty.

Need to book a happy hour to discuss all of this and more.

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And a fun happy hour was had. Thank you for joining and for sharing your expertise, as always, Corey!

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The one issue I have with Rodgers is, he is always griping about the Pack never giving him any talent to play with . How would you like to be team mates with a guy like that . Basically saying , the only reason we win is because of me. He is great , but .

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Entitled Town. Spot on.

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I'm a new subscriber who appreciates long-form journalism like this. Great piece! It reads like a novel. Curious to know whether you'd ever review outside submissions from independent writers. Keep up the great work!

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Let Rodgers retire. Make it clear that he is welcome to come back and lead the team, but the Front Office is not all getting fired. End of discussion. It sounds like the players know he is a d***. If he does not come back, they know why. And if he does come back, other players will have to help police him. The disruption to the culture to let a super-high-paid player leave on an ego trip or get people fired is not worth a few draft picks. Let him retire if that is his choice. He seems to have major issues.

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I'd love to hear those conversations, too. I wonder if Mark Murphy and Brian Gutekunst have talked much about what this all means in the locker room. I do think a lot of players do love 12 and vice versa. My concern would be what giving into a star player's list of demands could do in there. Maybe they'd think, "It's Aaron Freakin Rodgers. Give him whatever he wants." Maybe they'd think, "Well, that's ridiculous." Management has to take all of these ripple effects into account.

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deletedMay 8, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne
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Man, that means a lot, Ben. Thank YOU all for subscribing. It means the world. I'll do everything I can to keep digging on this situation and others across the NFL.

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