Mar 31, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

Really appreciate you allowing LeRoy to share his thoughts on this. Shouldn't be surprised he has such a lucid, intelligent take. I'm guessing Aaron is going to find out that the grass isn't greener on the other side. Wish him the best, but he's gonna sleep in that bed he made for himself.

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Appreciate it, Beau.

I was going to flesh out a story on the subject but found both LeRoy Butler and Ron Wolf so insightful that it's best for me to get the hell out of the way. Lord knows you've heard me blab about 12 enough, eh!?

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Think you're right to let those guys speak about 12, since their opinion holds a lot of weight in Packers country and around the league as a whole. But you know, I'm gonna eat up all the Packer content I can from y'all! Loved the Ron Wolf interview too, keep up the great work.

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Everybody is taking pay cuts except one. Very true. Despite using the phrase "not a victim", every action and statement Rodgers is making seems like he is trying to paint himself as the victim. As a fan, I have moved on. I am at peace if the Jets get nothing, we do not trade Rodgers, and he walks away. Anything above that is gravy. If Rodgers goes to NYJ and dominates, congratulations to him, I bear him no ill will. I think the GB FO should not have given him all they control they did a year ago - but I understand the decision process. Rogers just had his second MVP season. However given that mistake, I think the GB FO has not compounded that mistake with all of their decisions since. The one things I'd say: I don't think Cobb stunted Amari's development; I think Amari had no development capacity. Were Amari better than Cobb, Cobb would have been on the bench. Rodgers wanted Cobb on the team; having him on the field was a nice side effect but I think Cobb on the field had more to do with the lack of talent at WR.

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Well said, as always, Paul.

At some point, we'll drive this forward. And I'd wager most Packers fans have the same take, and would be fine with Rodgers having success in NY. That wasn't the case in '08. Vividly remember anxiety in the fan base as Favre led the Jets to that 8-3 start and the Packers stumbled. As long as Jordan Love shows something (like Rodgers in '08), who cares what happens in NY? The Rodgers-GB partnership ran its course, culminating with that dud vs the Lions. Much different than coming within one overtime of the Super Bowl.

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Boy this triggered a thought: Packers fans are in the same place with Rodgers as they were with McCarthy when he left. There was no active "dislike" but a general sense of "this has run its course". Both Rodgers and McCarthy are well regarded but we are at peace with their departure.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

If the Rodgers’ Jets win the SB, sincere congrats to them. Even if I knew somehow that would actually come true I still solidly stand in support of the trade. The view looking forward will be fresh, exciting, and inevitable. It’s time.

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I will be holding a little party when the Rodgers trade goes through ( I'll send you an invite Tyler if you want to participate virtually.) But is seems you are going out of your way to blast him ; It has gotten old. Move on.

Can't wait for the draft series to start- even if it means I have to rip up all of the mocks I have done.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

Completely disagree with this take. It’s incredibly refreshing to read content that includes honest assessments, as I believe Tyler has always given in regard to AR.

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Thanks, Cap!

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Steve! Hey, all entitled to all opinions. Going to politely disagree on this one. Wanted to give LeRoy the floor.

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Apr 2, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

I wonder why A-Rod's interview below wasn't available to everyone. We might feel a little different.

"I owe a lot to the franchise for believing in me so much that they drafted me with a Hall of Fame QB on the team already with several good years left. As much as I've helped players get paid, I've had players on the team who made me look good when I was not having my best days. I had a GM who brought in the guys I wanted even though you could say I had a tantrum--not worthy of a grown man, an MVP who's been in the league a long time and should have thicker skin--when they drafted a QB in the first round. Maybe we could have had better players around me if I had taken a pay cut or reworked my contract like Tom did. If I could deal with the rookies differently? Hey I give them hard love but maybe a pat on the butt would've been better than rolling my eyes every week in front of the camera, or throwing my hands up in the air. If I had worked with them in the offseason without the pressure in training camp, we could've understood one another better.

Make no mistake. The Packers are a corporation and the players are just cap casualties when they're no longer of use. And I made this city a lot of money, but I know fully well it could've been different if I had been drafted by another franchise and forced to start right away. Still, a shout out to my favorite small restaurants. I'll be back and after cracking 40 will hopefully be able to take the broader, deeper view of life I've learned from these books I recommend and actually apply it rather than talk about it."

And love LeRoy's honesty and extended metaphor about the drive through. Hey, Leroy took that paycut---three of them---(which I think is still unfair), but he's made it back staying in the community.

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Love this, great work as always Ty. LeRoy is the standard of carrying the G, and it doesn’t matter who is on the other end of it he is going to carry it to the best of his abilities. Great work man!

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Appreciate it, Ben -- thank you man.

Bob penned it best in describing LeRoy as the No. 1 ambassador.

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Great to hear LeRoy’s take on all this. What he says carries a ton of weight. I think he, Ron and you are all spot on!

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