AJ Dillon is Bob's #1 star? I'm actually looking forward to my drive home from work today when I listen to that. I hope you were nice to him Tyler.

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Can't wait for the next pod. ALL DILLON FOR TWO HOURS.

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Tyler, I think you are wrong regarding Rodgers: people WILL remember this one for more than a few months. At least if the small group of Packer fans I hang out with are representative. The lying regarding his vaccination status crossed a line for all the reasons that don't need to be repeated by me. People feel let down and played. Ask me again in March, but I'm pretty confident that if there are multiple high draft picks on the table I would say trade him and move on. And this comes from a guy who couldn't have disagreed more with your "trade him" stance in the summer.

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One more quick thought for folks to note, please:

....Regarding "Critical Thinker" person, I respect him as a player...but I think he's smart enough to know that rocking the boat is a good way to get dumped into the water ....and float into SF where he'll be the starter next year. i.e., NO one is writing about how Rodgers may be GLAD to FORCE himself off the squad by indirectly and directly being a diva.....Hence, Andrew Brandt is spot-on: Rodgers will be traded by mid-April, 2022 for 2 or 3 first rounders and other picks....and, if it's SF, then I hope Mr. Gute demands Debo Samuel in return with some draft picks (e.g., 2 first rounders and Debo Samuel would satisfy me.) You? Others?

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Great, incisive work, Tyler...Again, you mentioned GB's GM Mr. Gute. was "all in" for this year. I respectfully disagree, given OBJ today is offered merely a minimum veteran's contract. Will he accept it? Doubtful.....unless he can capture his entire $7M left from Cleveland....Likely? I have no idea...but if the GB GM was "all in," then he'd offer more....or find a way to clear more cap $ space...so a decent, appetizing offer could be made to OBJ....Correct? Meanwhile, as I write, it would NOT surprise me if KC, New England, or N. Orleans was inking OBJ to a much LARGER lump sum $ figure than GB's offer.

Moral of the Story: Randy Moss.....Stephen Gilmore....OBJ.....All fine players that GB fails to get because the GM is on the cheap.....Sad....

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It's possible Gutekunst just doesn't want OBJ that badly. Given the drama vs. production or lack of from him of late, can't blame him. Personally don't want him near GB. Lots of fancy catches in pregame with the flysticker gloves players wear now, not much production last couple years even when he has been on the field.

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Oh no lol. Bob with the boomer clueless talk at beginning. Poor Bob

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well i tried it and dropped it a little after 15 minutes in - it was as expected - BTW to be clear ivermectin is not "that animal thing" - it is a drug used to treat parasitic infections in humans such as lice and river blindness - it is used in animals to treat various worms - i'd have to say this vaccine doesn't seem to be as effective as other vaccines we have all taken over the years - citing the nightly network coverage and the NYT and WP as evidence of the 'lasting societal damage' of Aaron Rodger's 'heresy' is rather telling - he questioned the narrative and must be punished for his sin - by and large the deception isn't the real problem here - its getting off the approved reservation - Rodgers has annoyed me many times in the past but i just bought a salute to service Rodgers jersey and will wear it proudly - GO PACK GO!

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well i tried it and dropped it a little after 15 minutes in - it was as expected - BTW to be clear ivermectin is not "that animal thing" - it is a drug used to treat parasitic infections in humans such as lice and river blindness - it is used in animals to treat various worms - i'd have to say this vaccine doesn't seem to be as effective as other vaccines we have all taken over the years - citing the nightly network coverage and the NYT and WP as evidence of the 'lasting societal damage' of Aaron Rodger's 'heresy' is rather telling - he questioned the narrative and must be punished for his sin - by and large the deception isn't the real problem here - its getting off the approved reservation - Rodgers has annoyed me many times in the past but i just bought a salute to service Rodgers jersey and will wear it proudly - GO PACK GO!

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I'll pass on listening to the high brow comments that I am sure dominate this podcast - Rodgers questioned the narrative - that was his real crime - must not question the narrative put forth by the ruling establishment, including the medical establishment which is now chiefly a political operation

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I think you'd be surprised by listening. Not the tact taken here.

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Ty's comments about Ivermectin made me wonder how all of that got started. Turns out, a medical textbook company in Illinois decided that getting real patient data was too hard, and decided to simply fabricate it: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.the-scientist.com/features/the-surgisphere-scandal-what-went-wrong--67955/amp&ved=2ahUKEwiV-NTkgI_0AhU7FzQIHeECBP4QFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1gpFUqKyHAZ8o98H2y5rkn&ampcf=1

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Just want to be clear Ty: Jordan Love is going to throw 336 interceptions? LOL.

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