Nov 26, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

I think BOTH are the real Josh Allen. When he has decent protection and has answers and gets into a rhythm, he’s a killer. When protection is poor and defenses have a good game plan for him — usually involving a mix of good coverages and post snap rotations — he gets flustered and starts to press, forgetting his mechanics and hurrying his reads and throwing inaccurate balls.

The big question, as I see it, is can he find a way to overcome those moments where he “loses his zen”? Can we play Elvis in his helmet radio all game long?

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Strong points here. Last season, no QB played more man than Josh Allen. I want to say it was right around 36% of the time. This year, it's like 27%. Teams are sitting back and forcing him to be patient and throw anticipatory throws into zone coverage. By no means, is it outright shutting him down. The crazy thing is, if he lights up the Patriots and Bucs, he's probably the MVP frontrunner. But he's probably somewhere between 2019 Allen and 2020 Allen.

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I agree fully with the notion of him being somewhere between 2019 and 2020 Allen. He’s a rorschach: For those who thought he’d regress this year, he’s proven them right (two interceptions in three of his last four games). For those who thought he’d be an MVP candidate, he’s proven them right, too.

That’s what’s so tantalizing about Allen — even while struggling at times this year and with the Bills offense seeming a bit off for much of the year, he’s STILL arguably MVP caliber, and the Bills are STILL the second ranked offense in points per game. If he could just climb off the Jekyll and Hyde roller coaster ride and find consistency, the Bills would be Super Bowl contenders. But will he? Can he? Or is this just who he is — Good enough to win a title but volatile enough to break your heart in the biggest moments.

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Nov 26, 2021Liked by Tyler Dunne

lets hope we get the two injured/covid guys back and Cody Ford can go back to the bench

It's an old story, but the offense is only going to be as good as the line.

if you give Allen time, at least one of the talented receivers will create enough space to showcase his talent

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Great call, Johnny O. Ford is not good. Should be interesting to see when the front office admits its failure there and moves on -- oughta be this coming offseason.

Line has been rough but I think it's also a good preview of what's to come for Allen. After signing that deal, everything around him is bound to get worse. Buffalo won't have the money to keep signing whoever they want. He'll need to rise above the much as one of the richest players to ever play.

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spot on, much easier to surround the QB with talent when they are on their rookie contract. Assuming Allen stays healthy, the backend of the contract may look like a bargin

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Going to record a new Go Long Pod ep soon with Jim Monos and old pal, Matthew Fairburn, who covered the Bills at the Athletic and now covers the Patriots. If you have any questions for them, feel free to fire away here and we'll get it them.

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I think we can definitely expect Bill Belichick to force Josh Allen to take short-to-intermediate completions in zone underneath. He'll sit back with his two safeties and count on getting pressure without blitzing (Judon's been great) and it'll be on Allen to stay patient, accurate and throw with some anticipation. The deep, 1-on-1 shots won't be available.

It's been a mixed bag for Allen this season vs this approach. I know Kurt Warner caught some heat for his comments in our series a year ago, but it rings pretty true right now. Pasted some below:

“If you’re playing against three good defenses,” Warner says, “and you think you’re going to make enough plays ad-libbing to beat them, it’s probably not going to happen.

“So when I say, ‘What is your ceiling?’ I want to know: How complete can your game be? Not how athletic you are and how far that can take you. But how complete can you be — Can you see your hots? Can you understand protections? Can you throw the ball away when you need to throw the ball away? Can you make the tight throw when you have to? Can you read and process to your third and fourth receiver consistently when a team takes away your 1 and 2? Can you make the lay-ups? … It’s always more mental when a guy reaches his ceiling and a guy continues to get better and better and better. It’s not because they’re getting better physically. It’s because they’re getting better mentally. And that’s what we want to know: What is your ceiling Josh Allen, in terms of your mental ability to process and understand everything from technique to reading coverages to making the throws to making the right decisions?

“That, to me, becomes the ultimate question with this new-era of quarterback. How long can they sustain what they’re doing to have their statistical success before it’s going to have to adjust? And if they do or if they don’t will determine how long they play in this game and at that level.”

(That full Part 2 is here, too: https://www.golongtd.com/p/part-ii-the-pressure-is-on-josh-allen)

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I was at the game, so maybe I missed something, but how is the second INT being put on Allen. At the dome, the replay looked like Allen’s arm was hit on the pass. Wouldnt that make it more on OL? Also, if his lineman dont drift downfield the play before, that INT is erased and another TD is thrown on. Two plays where OL directly impacted stat line

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True but, given the line’s been such a mess, you could also make the case that Allen needs to be more aware down there at the end of the half. Spencer Brown is absolutely missed. Who thought we’d be saying that?

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Yeah, the impact of Brown on this team is crazy. Impacts two positions because then Williams is forced from OG, where he is better, to OT.

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