Apr 25, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

Excellent stuff. Sure hope you are right about Love.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

Good stuff Tyler.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by Tyler Dunne

Agree with all the football related comments, which is the intended purpose of this blog. Do not agree with the non-football related comments.

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At some point, I’d say April 2020, this became a combination of the two for quarterback and GM. But always appreciate you reading, JT.

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Whereas the Packers may have gotten more back if they'd traded AR to Denver last year, can you imagine how much more pressure would have been on Love if he had to step in after another 13 win season and a second straight Rodgers MVP? The Packers may have one less #1 pick by waiting a year to trade him, but the difference is night and day when it comes to Love being ready and having full support. Now he will be compared to AR's performance last year, and this year's record will be matched up with a losing season. In the long run, I think waiting the year will be better for the organization, even if they get a bit less in the trade.

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I find this to be an overly optimistic take on Love and Gutekunst largely because of the writers dislike for Rodgers, which he has not been shy about stating in podcast and print. Maybe Love is great, but its not likely. Rodgers first season was 6-10 coming off a team that went to the NFC Championship in Favre's last season. While Rodgers struggled last year, its fairly lazy journalism to make 8-9 all about Rodgers when you had a young, inexperienced receiving core, and a defense that again under achieved despite the high draft picks and money spent on that side of the ball by Gutey. I'm a Packers fan and hope Love does well, and, given the return, I think this was the best time to move on. But I also know its unlikely the Packers get lightning in a bottle again with another hall of fame qb. Either way Rodgers has been the primary factor in the teams success the last 15 years. Gutekunst still has much to prove.

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Are you claiming Tyler has disdain for Rodgers and a bromance brewing with Gutey? If so, I agree

Tyler, I enjoy your writing and opinions whether I agree or disagree but this line was pretty bad “From Day 1, Brian Gutekunst has handled a brutal task — severing ties with a future Hall of Fame quarterback — with conviction, class.”

He waffled, riding a fence for 3 years. He gave Rodgers the biggest contract ever 12 months ago when he could have shown conviction in his belief and taken the Denver haul. He didn’t have the foresight to give our sensitive QB a heads up that he might be picking a qb early if the board fell to them.

Also not one mention of Rodgers broken thumb and injuries to our receivers the first half of the year.

You do love shaping your own narrative and getting your point across, which I respect and enjoy reading!


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As someone who lived through the Favre transition, all of this makes sense, then as well as now. While I preach patience to Packer fans, the transition is necessary. To paraphrase Leroy Butler, at the end of the day, what matters is the G.

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It's amazing how similar the end of their careers in Green Bay ended up being.

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They Packers top brass must feel exhilarated this morning knowing they have finally showered off the stench of Aaron Rodgers and his declining skills as evidenced by his inability to play good football when it mattered the most the last 4-5 seasons. For all the darts thrown at Brian Gutekunst from the National Media and some misguided Packer fans, I am starting to think that he is smarter than most others in the room. I'm ready to get behind Jordan Love and see what we've got. It is a great day to be a Packer Fan! Go Pack Go!

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I'm a Jets fan and I know this is partly a Packers blog, but a fleecing? His worst year is better than the Jets best year at QB. Because of my wife I live in Wisconsin so I understand why everyone is emotional and happy about Rodgers leaving but I think it will be good for both teams.

I think the Jets defense and offensive weapons (which he did not have last year in GB), will lead them to a much better record than 7-10. For example, if you don't think Garrett Wilson will be as good as Davante Adams you will by the end of the season.

Look I understand you're excited to finally be moving on, the last few years were like the end of a bad marriage. I get it. Calling it a fleecing is disingenuous though, especially when the Jets are a QB starved franchise which amazingly Packers fans don't know much about anymore. Well you might just find out. Good luck!

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I agree, Josh. And Tyler's take is quite strong and doesn't weigh into consideration the alternative for the Jets: Josh Wilson? Tannehill? A rookie?

You're getting a player at the most important position in football who has had one bad year after two MVP seasons. Ty himself has mentioned the chip on A-Rod's shoulder. If that chip does make him work harder and play better and the Jets get to the playoffs and win one, the trade works for the Jets. What other player could elevate them in the AFC?

I need to go back and look at the tape, but I'm pretty sure in the 4th quarter A-Rod threw a beautiful pass to Doubs that went right through his hands that would've gone for a first down and much more, so that stat line is a little off. Has he bombed in the playoffs and driven Pack fans crazy? Yes. Has he annoyed us with his attention seeking approach? Yes. But, he still can make the throws better than most qbs and without a QB you're nothing.

But yes, I'll take those draft picks and hope A-Rod plays 65% of the snaps as I cheer he and the Jets to a 0-17 record.

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Not knowing he'll play more than one year and relieving the Packers of $110,000,000 in guaranteed salary Rodgers was due from the Packers is (IMO) the driving motivation for labeling this a "fleecing."

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Hey Josh, I'll certainly be watching every Jets game I can, just like 2008.

Good luck too!

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Green Bay is running out of streets to rename. I suppose there are certain players that have lost the right to have a street named after them, but it seems more likely that they'll have to start using the exit and entry ramps on 41. I'd guess Rodgers warrants an exit ramp.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

I commented back in the November 29th article about Love starting (when the season looked lost), at the time making the point that I would have liked to see Rodgers finish his career in GB if he wanted to, regardless of the future consequences. However, since that dreadful Lions game to finish the season, I'm all aboard the Love train.

I was lucky enough to see Rodgers live for his last W at Lambeau in the Green and Gold, for the New Year's day drumming of the Vikings, a memory I'll cherish forever. Even then, the victory was largely on the D and special teams. It was apparent last season that some combination of the young WR's, Rodgers' injuries, and their lack of time together cost them the season. Like far too many previous season finales, the Packers went out with a whimper.

I had no faith in Love when the Packers handed Rodgers that $150M contract, because why would they give him that if they thought they had something in Love? That was part of my reasoning for wanting to ride it out with Rodgers. It's nice to know that the Packers felt the same way, until Rodgers' decline/injuries coincided with Love getting more practice reps, and taking the proverbial jump. If they feel confident now that he can start, I have all the faith in the world that he'll at least have a chance to succeed.

It's time to be new, and I'm excited for it. Thanks Tyler for your level headed analysis through this entire saga.

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QB development has got to be tough to evaluate. The Packers used 2nd and 7th round picks the year that Rodgers was named the starter. The revisionist history is that the Packers knew after the Dallas game that he'd be great, but they must have still had some doubts

The Gants rolled the dice on Daniel Jones by not picking up that 5th year. You just don't know until you see it

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Great stuff, Tyler. But, y'know, when looked at in the unemotional, logical way you and Gutekunst have, it seems quite glaringly obvious this is the unequivocally correct route to take. A year too late, but still a slaaaaam dunk. Go Pack!

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I have to wonder, do teams with owners (the other 31) hesitate to deal with the Packers because they know the Packers won't be pressured by dealership into any hasty decisions?

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For those of you in the back of the room, I'll say this loudly:


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"Assistant to the Regional Manager." Love it!

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